
This is going to seem super weird but the explanation can be found here

The book: This is not a diet book by James Smith p193

Up until this point the main thing that has stuck with me is the energy use percentage diagram used on page 60.

NEAT - Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis | Fatch Fitness
Energy usage diagram

Acronyms explained: BMR – Basal Metabolic Rate, accounts for roughly 70% of the calories burned during the day and happens when you are at rest

NEAT – Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis – Calories burned up and energy expended during moving around during the day, walking, climbing stairs etc.

TEF _ Thermic Effect of Food – the calories burned chewing and digesting foods

EAT – Exercise Activity Thermogenesis – Approximately 10% of the calories burned a day that are attributes to exercise.

The basic premise of the book up until this point had been to increase NEAT – walk more, take the stairs more often etc.

Page 193 is discussing the idea of overtraining

“aim to consume between 2-3g per kg of protein” I should be aiming for between 180g-270g of protein per day, with 180g of protein making up 720kcal of my daily diet, or roughly 1/3rd of my daily allowance of calories (1840kcal) with the intention of losing 1.5lbs a week.

Will be interesting to look back over this week on Sunday evening when I do my weekly review to see what my macros have actually been like when tracking.

Improving childen’s descriptive writing at KS2

Improving childen’s descriptive writing at KS2

There are many blogs and resources that these ideas are ‘magpied’ from, I have adapted a number over the years to try and improve the use of descriptive language of the children I have taught, a massive inspiration has been the work of Alan Peat. I have been fortunate enough to attend bespoke training with Alan on two separate occasions and he is an incredibly knowledgable, passionate and inspirational man. I have learned a lot from using his ‘Exciting Sentences’ materials and they have been, by far, the most effective tool in improving the quality of children’s writing.

More recently I have been using and adapting the work of MrD:HT (Twitter: @KarlDuke8) to help develop the use of prepositional language and phrases with my children to add a sense of depth and richness to their descriptive writing.

Starting with a picture prompt like the one below the children collect ideas using their 5 senses, imagining that they were experiencing the scene first hand. This immediately provides the opportunity to move away from the dreaded “I can see xxxxx and I can see zzzz. ” which has been a predominant feature of the children’s descriptive writing up until this point.

Picture taken from Anthony Browne's wonderful 'Voices in the Park'

Step 1

This would start as an oracy paired task with a children in turn offering things that fit into each sense – this promotes a wider opportunity for the more word poor children to generate things to write about as we willfuly allow children to ‘adopt’ ideas from each other and use them in their own writing.

Next children would quickly collect ideas by jotting down words or short phrases in a table:

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For the ‘feel’ row I often allow children to write emotion words as they can be used to further develop the overall description.

Step 2

When the ideas are collected the children then begin to use them to write phrases, selecting their favourite thing to describe from each of the rows. This encourages the children to look at the features carefully – in the example above ‘water’ is mentioned in more than one of the senses, this opens up a potential link between the sentences to again further enhance the description.

Some example phrases:

The taste of the fresh air fills my lungs.

The dogs jump from the water up on to my body.

I hear the sound of gorillas laughing.

Step 3

Taking the base sentence written above the children then ‘zoom in’ on the feature that they have written about to look at how they could use adjectives or adverbs to add more detail, This will give a fuller picture and provides a more enriching experience for the reader.

The playful dogs jump enthusiastically from the cold water up on to my unsuspecting body.

The sound of the ginormous, cheerful gorillas laughing filled the air.

This is where the link is made with the Exciting Sentences and we will often have a target sentence type that we will be working on to try and include as well.

Step 4

Combine the sentences using a range of prepositions or prepositional phrases.

The sound of the ginormous, cheerful gorillas laughing filled the air. Beneath the gorillas a pair of playful dogs jump enthusiastically in the water of an ornamental fountain. In the distance a line of colourful, unusual tree trunks stand below dark green leaves. The park is a happy place, filled with laughter, joy and fun.

These 4 steps are worked on repeated over a series of lessons so that the routines and methodologies become embedded. When we move on from descriptive writing as a genre tool I will often use picture prompts to reinforce and sharpen the children’s ability to describe with detail. At this point in their development children will need to be able to add detail to sentences and phrases before they can judiciously decide which sentences are more effective when parsed of detail.

In the next article I will talk about another structure to develop detail in children’s writing that I have used most recently.

All comments welcomed.

Fall off

So I realised that I haven’t kept pace with this blog – lots of things have happened and are going on but I have made a commitment to myself to keep this up to date and I need to catch up.

Loads to talk about: Trips, books, music.

I’ll start with the New Year’s Resolution to read a book a week. I’ll quickly catalog the books I’ve read this year below and add a short paragraph discussing the highlights and lessons I’ve learned from each one. In chronological order:

Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of NIKE

An incredible story from the founder of Nike. The man lead an incredible life spanning athletics, military service, and travel. Some memorable moments from the book that inspired me:

At one point Nike had an $8,000,000 sales revenue and were still operating on a month to month basis with creditors, suppliers and payroll.

The vision of Phil Knight and his capacity to lead a disparate group of people spanning a continent was truly remarkable.

At various points in the story Nike was under attack from competitors, the US government, shady suppliers and lawsuits. Phil Knight’s passion for his product and brand enables him to fight off all and every threat and continue to develop into a market place leader.

Takeaways: Passion and belief are 99.9% of the battle in most endeavours where you have a clear vision and belief driving you.

Not all people respond with the same type of feedback.

Do you.


I cried myself to sleep last night, it wasn’t the first time this year and I’m pretty sure it won’t be the last. I feel so sad and angry that poor Scott felt that he had no one to talk to about his problems, I feel so sad.

One thing that has become apparent and makes me feel so proud to be part of is the way that the Celtic family pulled together. Untold people spent hours and hours helping to search the mountains. Social media has displayed the reach and way that the boys can express themselves. We will pull together and endure through these difficult times like we have before and will again. 💛🖤

Gratitude list

1. I’m grateful for the people who have reached out.

2. I’m grateful to be part of something that makes me feel so proud.

3. I’m grateful for the clarity of vision to let people go.

The prompt.

“The world will accept the judgment you place on yourself.” Jason Capital.

As previously established the main idea behind this blog is to record and monitor behaviour changes and habits and the impact that they have on my life.

It has been a difficult year up until this point, my life changed dramatically based on a decision made to take life in a different direction. (Maybe to be discussed in more detail at a later date.)

Looking inward, reflecting on the way things had happened led me to realise that I had been floating through life for the past few years, being reactive rather than proactive and direct. Too much energy spent and wasted responding to issues rather than being focused and moving in the direction of my choosing, and this was entirely my doing.

Taking charge of my future and the direction and opportunities now presented has led me to realise that I have overcome all obstacles presented to me thus far and I now need to take aim and fire on the life that I want that fulfills me truly.

But, where to start?

Having started to read “High Performance Habits: How Extraordinary People Became That Way”  I have found some things that I can certainly address and will help me to lead life in a more purposeful manner.

“Reconnecting with your passion and setting up structure to develop more skills related to it is a game changer.” Brendon Burchard

So the next step is to experiment with the systems and structures that will allow me to feel more present and ‘in the moment’ and experience my passion, allowing me to address the areas where I need to develop.  In the book Brendon discusses the idea that High Performers have a mental model that allows them to be clear about how they intend to interact with the people around them focused on the way that they want to feel:

“What is the primary feeling I want to bring to this situation, and what is the primary feeling I want to get from this situation?”

So that will be step one: In interactions/situations that I will be entering I will ask myself those two questions.







This blog is going to be my journal: charting progress of my personal and professional development. Thoughts, books, films, processes and habits that I am working on and establishing.

I have attempted a variety of diary, journal type things over the years and I’m committed to making this a permanent fixture in my life to enable me to reflect on the effectiveness of the things I’m implementing.

Welcome to the ride….